Baby #2 BUMP REPORT – 19 Weeks


PREGNANCY WEEK 19 – May 30, 2015

Oh boy, I have contracted a cold and I am miserable. I’ve felt sick for over 48 hours and since it’s been over the weekend (thankfully), Eric has taken main duty of Winter so that I can rest. My head feels like it wants to explode, my throat is very sore, my nasal passage is either clogged or running, my poor nose is raw from blowing it so much, I have trouble sleeping at night, and I’m weak from eating not much. There’s been no signs of fever or any other flu-like symptoms, thankfully. It makes me so grateful that I can take Tylenol Cold & Sinus since it’s on the approved list for pregnancy, though I admit there’s guilt when I take it. I am not much of a medicine person, but it has helped me feel slightly better. It’s now Sunday night and I feel like I’m through the worst of it–hoping for better health soon!

On an up note, I have continued to stick to my health goals when it comes to healthy eating and increased activity for over a week and a half (with a short break in exercise due to this cold). I am feeling amazing and I’m getting good results from healthier practices. I exercised 6 days this past week and because I’m now doing weight training, my body is feeling leaner, tighter and stronger than it had been.  My trouble zones tend to be my legs, hips and butt, and all of those areas feel tighter and smaller within the past week or so! I feel great and proud of myself for making a change.

My age: 29

How far along: 19 weeks

How big is baby: the size of a mango (6 inches and 8.5 ounces)

Gender: Unknown, we find out in a week. Still feeling like I’ve got a sister in there for Winter.

Events of this week: Celebrated Memorial Day, went to the splash park, spent a lot of time outdoors since the weather is finally warm/sunny/fantastic after weeks of rain, had life group, bible study, and spent the past few days lying on the couch due to being sick.

Symptoms: Have a cold, otherwise but having basic pregnancy symptoms–growing belly, ligament stretching, moody.

Exercise/Activity: My health goals are getting achieved and I’m doing great. Got in 6 days of exercise this week, including 2 runs and 4 days of my Jillian Michael’s strength/cardio circuit DVD.  I really feel like incorporating Jillian Michaels has been a really positive thing for me. I feel some good results from healthy eating and increased activity these past few weeks.  My legs, butt and hips are all feeling smaller and tighter already! I felt like I was getting thicker in my midsection (more-so than just the baby), but now I feel like that’s gone. I am so happy and feeling fit and strong.

Sleep: I toss and turn from side to side but other nights and sleep great.

Maternity clothes:  Yes.

Stretch marks: No.

Belly Button: In.

Food cravings: EATING HEALTHY! Proud of myself.  I’ve been eating a lot of fresh produce, salad, hardboiled eggs, and greek yogurt. I’ve suddenly become obsessed with swiss cheese. I bought the thin slices so I can eat a few at a time without going crazy on the calories.

Food aversions: Chicken.

Movement: Feeling more movements this week.

Best Moment of the Week: Fitting in my clothes better and feeling leaner, stronger and healthier.

Worst Moment of the Week: Getting a cold.

What I’m looking forward to: Getting over this sickness.

What I’m nervous about/praying for: I feel slightly guilty when I take Tylenol, even though I know it’s approved for pregnancy. I just pray that God protects my baby while my body is fighting off this cold.

What I miss: Being able to breathe (because of my cold).

Next appointment: Monday, June 8, 2015 @ 10:30 a.m. – ultrasound day!


Baby #2 BUMP REPORT – 18 Weeks

18weeksPREGNANCY WEEK 18 – May 23, 2015

Friends, eating healthy and exercising regularly work! After 5 days (so far) of a healthier mindset and practices, I feel much better in my skin. I’m sore in muscles all over my body since I’ve been using my new Jillian Michaels workout DVD. I do feel irritable because I’m going through sugar withdrawals, but I know it will eventually fade away the longer I stick with this. I’m proud of myself because it’s always hard to create new habits, but I know it will be worth it when I feel great and stay healthy for my growing baby.

My age: 29

How far along: 18 weeks

How big is baby: the size of a bell pepper (5.5 inches and 7 ounces)

Gender: Unknown, but in two weeks we will know!

Events of this week: Got home from Texas, hosted a playdate, been helping Eric with a house project (he is painting all of our wood doors white) and I’m helping with painting the trim work around the doors.  Looking forward to nicer weather–this has been an intensely rainy month, especially for Colorado! Winter and I are dying to get outdoors instead of being cooped up inside.

Symptoms: Moody, ligament stretching, growing belly, get winded more easily, heartburn.

Exercise/Activity: I am really proud of myself in this department. Last week after I returned from traveling, I decided to get with the program and start being more mindful about staying healthy. I’ve been following my new 5 healthy goals the past 5 days, and I already feel better! In the past 5 days, I have exercised 4 times and eaten more healthy everyday. I’ve been doing a Jillian Michaels DVD that is making me VERY SORE, wow!

Sleep: Having trouble getting comfortable. My belly is starting to get big enough where I have to use momentum to hoist myself from one side to the other.  I still find that I sleep on my back but it feels heavy in my midsection. It’s important that I get off my back soon!

Maternity clothes:  Yes.

Stretch marks: No.

Belly Button: In.

Food cravings: Trying to ignore cravings.  Since I’m on a health kick and being more purposeful about the foods I put into my body, there have been sugar withdrawals going on–leaving me irritable. But I know within another few days, the withdrawals will fade.  I feel much better already just from 5 days of healthier eating and no sweets!

Food aversions: Chicken.

Movement: Here and there…but not a lot.  I have an anterior placenta which cushions the movements.

Best Moment of the Week: Getting home from our TX trip and seeing my hubby after a week apart.

Worst Moment of the Week: None.

What I’m looking forward to: Counting down the days until our anatomy ultrasound.  I just FEEL LIKE THERE IS A GIRL IN THERE!  But we won’t know officially until 2 weeks from now.

What I’m nervous about/praying for: Not really nervous about anything.

What I miss: Sugar 🙂

Next appointment: Monday, June 8, 2015 @ 10:30 a.m. – ultrasound day!

Pregnancy Health Goals, Round 2!


5 Pregnancy Health Goals

In the 3rd trimester of my first pregnancy, I decided to get with the program and set some true health goals for myself.  I had 10 goals and I did very well at following them in order to keep my weight gain under control.  I don’t want to wait that long to give myself health goals this time.  It’s TIME to do it NOW.  I hate that I let my cravings get the best of me, and I hate that I use the excuse of being too tired or too busy to squeeze in exercise or even a walk.  It is helpful for me to write down some specific goals to follow, rather than aimlessly make impulse decisions to skip workouts and eat junk.

My goal is to gain approximately 30 pounds this pregnancy.  Last time I got on the scale, I am up 9 pounds.  I know that if I follow some rules I will be able to keep my health in order and feel great about my growing body.  Rather than giving myself 10 guidelines, I’m going to give myself ONLY 5.  I know I can follow 5 things!  Here we go….

strollerwalk1. Walk outside most everyday. Even if it means a quick stroll around the block, it’s healthy for my body and the baby to get moving and get fresh air. Plus it’s good for Winter to get outside too.  It can be alone or with my family, but it needs to happen daily!  This is in addition to formal exercise.


2. Exercise 4-5 days each week. I’m a runner.  I love to stay fit and healthy. Pre-baby (as in pre-first baby), I was religious about 6 days a week of exercise. Since becoming a mom, it’s more realistic for me to aim for 4-5 days a week. Lately I’ve been MAYBE getting 2-3 days a week, so I’d like to up that.  I run on my treadmill (approximately 3 miles) and I’ll alternate that with Jillian Michaels workout DVD (that includes a lot of strength training).  As long as I get about 30 minutes in a day, that’s a great achievement.

water3. Drink at least 4 of my water bottles of water (or 8 16 oz glasses) everyday. This pregnancy I am struggling to stay hydrated since water is a turnoff for me. It makes me feel nauseous at times. My goal is to sip on water all throughout the day rather than force myself to drink a lot at the end of the day to make up for the earlier part of the day.  My body functions so much better when I stay hydrated.

sugar4. Avoid sweets/desserts and limit myself to one treat per week. Sweets are my nemesis! My cravings are INTENSE this pregnancy. Like I can’t have any self control. Once I indulge in sweets, I swiftly go down a slippery slope and binge on too much sugar.  Candy, ice cream, etc!  I feel out of control and gross when I eat a lot of sugar.  I want to avoid it 90% of the time, but not make it 100% off limits.  I will choose 1 thing each week to treat myself with.

fastfood5. Cut out fast foods & overall less healthy food choices. I’ve never been much into fast food but I seem to have taken on a knack for it lately. Not only is it unhealthy, but it also isn’t even “real food” in my opinion!  I don’t need that in my life.  If I want to eat out somewhere, I will choose slightly healthier choices like Chipotle instead of Taco Bell.

If I can successfully maintain reaching these five goals every week throughout the remainder of my pregnancy, I know I will have great results.  I’m excited to be victorious. When I follow these healthy guidelines throughout my pregnancy, I will:

– Feel better about my body

– Keep my weight gain to a healthy range

– Better nourish my growing baby

– Have an easier time losing weight postpartum, and less weight to lose!

– Experience no/less pregnancy complications {within my control}

– Have an smooth/quick postpartum recovery

*DISCLAIMER: As always, these are just my personal thoughts and opinions. I am not a medical professional. Anyone who wants to have a healthy pregnancy that includes diet and exercise should first talk to their doctor or midwife before starting a new program.

Baby #2 BUMP REPORT – 17 Weeks

17weeksPREGNANCY WEEK 17 – May 16, 2015

Well, I am actually writing this late {written, Thursday, May 21st}, so I’ll be 18 weeks tomorrow, but oh well. Winter and I were in Texas for a week so I’m late getting around to a picture and blogging because of the trip.  We had a great time in Texas.  We visited my best friend who recently had twins.  My sister also came from Indiana with her baby on the trip, so it was really fun to spend time with everyone and all the babies.  We had 3 babies age 4 months and a 19 month old toddler.  We managed pretty well!  It was a lot of fun and exhausting at the same time, haha!

My age: 29

How far along: 17 weeks

How big is baby: the size of a pear

Gender: Unknown – thinking pink!  We find out in a few weeks.

Events of this week: Had my 16 week midwife checkup the day after Mother’s Day, and everything looked good.  Heard a good heartbeat of 150 bpm.  Went to Texas for 7 days–we stayed in the house a lot because it’s hard to get out with 3 babies and 1 toddler.  But we did manage to go to the drive-in theatre and see Pitch Perfect 2, go on a few walks, go swimming/splash park, and go to Monkey Bizness.  Two days of air travel flying solo with a toddler went decently well –just exhausting. Now we are home and getting back to our normal routine.

Symptoms: Feeling pretty great overall.  I often forget I’m pregnant.  Experiencing some nausea off and on.  Headaches lasted for about 3 days of my trip.  Heartburn is setting in, boo!

Exercise/Activity: Ok, honest moment….I have practically done zero exercise for over a week.  UGH!!  Not proud of that. With my trip I intended to get at least a walk in everyday, and 3 runs.  Nope, I was out of my mind to think that was possible.  I walked twice and didn’t run.  With 4 babies/kids and various schedules, it was almost impossible to make it happen.  In addition to not exercising, I spent the past week or so eating PURE CRAP, ie ice cream, brownies, cookies, candy.  Combo of not exercising and eating junk has me feeling a little low about how my body feels.  I feel “fluffy,” yuck.  Since I’m back in my regular routine, I have managed to exercise yesterday and today, so I already am feeling a bit better.  I ran 3 miles (plus walked 1 mile) and I now need my Gabrialla Maternity Running Support belt.  I tried without it and my belly felt too big to go without it now.

Last night I went to the store and decided to check out what workout DVDs they sold there.  My sister had mentioned she was doing a Jillian Michaels workout that she liked and it was short but intense.  I cannot depend on running alone, so I feel like a workout DVD (something new and different that I haven’t done a million times) is something I would benefit from.  I bought one of her DVDs last night and tried it out this morning when I got up.  It was about 30 minutes and I feel like I’m going to be sore tomorrow.  It is a combination of circuits which includes 3 minutes of strength exercises, 2 minutes cardio and 1 minute of abs (3-2-1 method).  I’ve been slightly in a rut and bored with relying on just my treadmill to run….so this will be something new and different to challenge my body.  Plus, I have always preached how important strength training is for a healthy physique, but lately my weight lifting has been sub par or nonexistent.

In my first pregnancy, I wrote a post about “My 10 Pregnancy Health Goals” and I think it’s time to recharge and revisit that.  I may even make a new post with new goals for achieving a healthy pregnancy this go round.  I’m just feeling blah after eating so much junk and being inactive!!  New goals for a healthy body and baby.

Sleep: Sleeping great!  Crazy dreams though…

Maternity clothes:  I’m full blown maternity now.  Plus yoga pants.

Stretch marks: No.

Belly Button: In.

Food cravings: Sweets – ice cream, brownies, nutty bars, cookies….OH MY!  On day 2 of healthy eating.

Food aversions: Chicken.

Movement: Movement has been back since about 16 1/2 weeks.  I don’t feel it every day, but I am feeling “popcorn” every so often.

Best Moment of the Week: Getting to spend an entire week with my best friend, her twins, my sister and my nephew!

Worst Moment of the Week: None.

What I’m looking forward to: Feeling healthier in the next few days/weeks as I follow a healthier lifestyle.

What I’m nervous about/praying for: Not really nervous about anything.

What I miss: Nothing in particular.

Next appointment: Monday, June 8, 2015 @ 10:30 a.m. – WE HAVE OUR ANATOMY ULTRASOUND!!

Baby #2 BUMP REPORT – 16 Weeks

16weeksPREGNANCY WEEK 16 – May 9, 2015

We are celebrating Mother’s Day this weekend.  You are 40% of the way there. I have my 16 week checkup on Monday morning and hope for a good report that you are growing well and have a good strong heartbeat. I will likely be scheduling the next appointment for 20 weeks, which will include the anatomy ultrasound. Even though it’ll be fun to find out your gender, I don’t have a pressing desire to know immediately.  I just care that you are growing and healthy, and whether you are a boy or girl really doesn’t matter to me.  Daddy and I have talked and we think it’d be so much fun if you are a girl because Winter would LOVE to have a sister two years apart from her age.  On the flip side, a boy would be fun because that’d be uncharted territory and something new and different.  While I don’t have a strong preference, I think I’d slightly more prefer another girl.  But who knows??  Less than a month until we know.  Until then, I’m okay waiting.

My age: 29

How far along: 16 weeks

How big is baby: the size of an avocado

Gender: Unknown – we think probably a girl

Events of this week: On Cinco de Mayo, we went to a Mexican restaurant with several of our mom and baby friends. I hosted a playdate at our house one morning. I spent 3 days at a women’s conference through our church.  I went with the girls from our life group, and we had a fantastic time.  One of the nights we got a hotel room, that was a blast. It has been unusual weather for Colorado since it’s been dreary and raining all week.  This weekend is SUPPOSED to be my Mother’s Day 9K Race in Boulder, but because it has been down pouring rain for a week without stopping, the race just got cancelled due to flooding.

Symptoms: Not as nauseous as last week, headaches have let up, feeling much more energy, not going to bed early anymore, not napping daily anymore, occasional hip flexor pain, legs/arms fall asleep sometimes if I sit too long, heartburn, feeling pretty good!

Exercise/Activity: I ran 3 days this week. I’d have liked to do one or two more days of exercise, but it wasn’t possible because I was at my conference. My race was supposed to be on Sunday, but due to flooding and poor weather, it got cancelled.  That’s the first time in history I’ve ever had a race cancelled! Maybe I’ll sign up for a 5K that our church is putting on at the end of May.  Overall, I am feeling much more energized for exercise since I’ve made headway into the 2nd trimester.  Grateful to be feeling less tired and able to exercise more.

Sleep: Sleep is good, some nights I don’t even get up at all, but usually it’s once a night to pee.  My dreams are still insane.

Maternity clothes:  I went and did a little shopping to help pump up my maternity wardrobe. At Destination Maternity they were have 30% off so I bought 7 shirts.  I went to Ross and got about 7 shirts there too.  I’m excited about all of my new pretty things!  I’m 100% wearing maternity clothes now with the exception of some flowy shirts that gracefully drape over my bump.  I think it’s safe to say that I look pregnant.  Even to strangers.

Stretch marks: No.

Belly Button: In.

Food cravings: Pasta, sweets, fruit, carbonated beverages.

Food aversions: Chicken.

Movement: No movement. At my ultrasound (in March) I was told my placenta is anterior and that could cushion me from feeling a lot of movement.  I am going to ask the midwife about this at my appointment.  Hopefully I’ll feel something soon.

Best Moment of the Week: The women’s conference at church was awesome!

Worst Moment of the Week: None.

What I’m looking forward to: Hearing baby’s heartbeat this week, scheduling the 20 week ultrasound, and going to visit my BFF in Texas.

What I’m nervous about/praying for: Praying for a smooth trip flying solo with a toddler this week.  I am going to Texas to visit my BFF for a week.  Winter usually is a decent traveller, but because our flight is in the afternoon, I am not sure how Winter will do missing her usual naptime.

What I miss: Nothing in particular.

Next appointment: Monday, May 11, 2015 at 9:20 a.m.

Here’s a look at 16 weeks with my first pregnancy compared to this one.  Wow!


Baby #2 BUMP REPORT – 15 Weeks


PREGNANCY WEEK 15 – May 2, 2015

Interestingly enough, I’m experiencing nausea again. UGH! I was feeling so great for so many weeks, but now I’ve been dealing with nausea on an off.  Hopefully it’s just a phase.  I’ve also been getting headaches.  I am not one who wants to complain about pregnancy for the most part, but honestly sometimes it is hard.  Besides feeling yucky lately, I’ve also really been a little down on my appearance and body image.  Obviously my body is changing and growing a baby, but I feel like this stage is awkward and hard to feel good about how I look in the mirror.  Regular clothes aren’t fitting AT ALL anymore, and I just feel like I’m in the “fat” stage where I don’t love how everything is changing and expanding.  I finally switched to maternity clothes since there is zero comfort in wearing clothes that don’t fit or flatter.  While maternity is more comfortable, I’m also in the “in between” stage where pants don’t want to stay up.  So that’s sort of annoying too.  Okay, pity party done…apparently I needed to vent.  I’m very happy to be pregnant.

My age: 29

How far along: 15 weeks

How big is baby: the size of an apple

Gender: Unknown

Events of this week: Went to play dates, had a game night with our small group, not a lot happened this week–pretty low key.

Symptoms: The return of nausea (UGHHH!!!), headaches, tired (less tired overall), heartburn, cravings, moody, emotional, have little patience.

Exercise/Activity: This week I ran 3 times.  Because I’m not feeling as tired, getting these runs in is getting to be less of a challenge.  In a week I’ll be running a Mother’s Day 10K, so I plan to do several runs this week in preparation for Sunday. I’d like to set a goal over the next few weeks to work back up to 4-5 days of consistent exercise a week instead of 3 days. I also would like to make it a goal to go for daily walks in addition to regular exercise.

Sleep: Sleep is pretty good!

Maternity clothes:  Finally switched to maternity clothes, for both tops and bottoms.  The pants are comfortable, but it feels like a constant battle with pulling them up every five minutes!  It’s better than the alternative of unbuttoned pants.

Stretch marks: No.

Belly Button: In.

Food cravings: Candy, sweets, Sprite, pasta. Cravings are so intense this pregnancy compared to last.  I have little self control.

Food aversions: Chicken.

Movement: I was feeling movements last week, but not really this week.  So who knows?

Best Moment of the Week: Playing in the backyard with Winter. The days are getting so nice and warm, and it’s wonderful to have a great backyard to relax in while she plays.

Worst Moment of the Week: Nausea spells and headaches putting me in bad moods.

What I’m looking forward to: Feeling better again.

What I’m nervous about/praying for: Nervous about getting too fat or gaining too much weight this pregnancy.  Last time I got on the scale, I’ve gained 5 lbs, but it FEELS like I’ve gained 50.  I am nervous that I’m going to feel like a whale by the time 40 weeks rolls around.

What I miss: Feeling good in my skin.

Next appointment: Monday, May 11, 2015 at 9:20 a.m.