I had no clue.

I really had no clue that pregnancy was hard.  You would think I’d have realized that, but I seriously didn’t know it was going to be so taxing on my day to day life in the 1st trimester.  The exhaustion just overtakes my life.  It’s hard to function normally.  The nausea just keeps me home a lot when possible.  I feel nervous working every day because I’m afraid I’ll be so sick and tired that I can’t get through my day.

I thought that my skiing and working out would be able to stay at the same pre-pregnancy performance.  Wrong.  My skiing makes me SO TIRED and working out I have to slow down my pace.  Why was I so stupid not to realize this?!?




My age: 26

How far along: 8 weeks

How big is baby: the size of a kidney bean

Exercise/Activity Level: My exercise has been consistant with 5 times per week.  I find that I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER on exercise days vs. non-exercise days.  I keeps my nausea and exhaustion a little more at bay.  I’ve been alternating weights & cardio at the gym with a kickboxing DVD at home.  Also skiing…but that’s getting more exhausting!

Maternity clothes: None.  I actually am looking forward to wearing them, but I want to hold out for a while since I can still fit my regular clothes.  I want to wear my regular clothes until they no longer work.

Stretch marks: None.

Belly button: Innie.

Sleep: My sleep has been very broken.  I just never feel well-rested.  The best night of sleep I got last week was when I slept on the couch.  I don’t want to make a habit of that, though!  I am still having crazy, vivid dreams at night too.

Best moment of the week: Seeing our little baby on the ultrasound on Friday!  We could see the heart beating!  It was amazing!

Food cravings: My nausea has continued to be really bad.  I can manage to eat sweets, fruit and bland carbs.

Food aversions: Chicken.  How weird….I am a chicken girl, but I have been so turned off every time I see or smell chicken.


  1. MORNING SICKNESS! I have to eat crackers in bed before I get up.  Nausea is REALLY bad.  I am now keeping bags and a bowl in my car in case I throw up on my commute.  Thankfully I only threw up one day so far.  But my nausea is just there EVERY DAY.
  2. Huge boobs.
  3. Exhaustion.  I sleep A LOT.  I go to bed around 8pm when I get home from work.
  4. Constipation.  Prunes are now my friend.
  5. Moodiness.  I cry and get annoyed easily.

Movement: None.

Gender: Unknown.

What I’m looking forward to: On Thursday we are leaving for Indiana to visit my family.  I can’t WAIT to finally be able to tell them about the pregnancy!

What I’m nervous about: Working and having enough energy to make it through each day. 

What I miss: Feeling skinny.  I’m so bloated and feel so fat.

Next appointment: Friday, March 8th.




My age: 26

How far along: 7 weeks

How big is baby: the size of a blueberry

Exercise/Activity Level: I worked out about 5 days last week.  I didn’t do any running though since I felt too tired to run.  Actually though, just this morning I did run on the treadmill and it felt good.  On Saturday we skied a full 9am-3pm day at Copper Mountain with friends.  I slept the entire way home and then took a nap at home too.  Also lifted weights this week.

Maternity clothes: None yet.  Still wearing regular clothes.  Although I do feel bloated some days giving me a muffin top :)

Stretch marks: None.

Belly button: Innie.

Sleep: Unfortunately I don’t sleep through the night anymore.  I wake up multiple times each night to go to the bathroom.  Also, my CRAZY dreams will keep me from feeling rested.

Best moment of the week: Seeing our little baby on the ultrasound on Friday!  We could see the heart beating!  It was amazing!

Food cravings: I’ve been eating fruit/maple oatmeal and a strawberry banana smoothie every day for breakfast.  I have morning sickness, and these foods tend to keep me feeling a tad better.

Food aversions: Chicken.  How weird….I am a chicken girl, but I have been so turned off every time I see or smell chicken.


  1. MORNING SICKNESS!  I vomited multiple times the other morning.  I have to eat crackers in bed before I get up.  Nausea is REALLY bad.  I am now keeping bags and a bowl in my car in case I throw up on my commute.
  2. Huge boobs.
  3. Exhaustion.  I sleep A LOT.  I go to bed around 8pm when I get home from work.
  4. Constipation.  Prunes are now my friend.
  5. Moodiness.  I cry and get annoyed easily.

Movement: None.

Gender: Unknown.

What I’m looking forward to: In about a week we will be taking a weekend trip to visit my family in the midwest.  I can’t WAIT to tell them about the pregnancy!  So excited!

What I’m nervous about: Morning sickness.  I feel nervous that I’m going to be puking at work. 

What I miss: Not being nauseated all the time.

Next appointment: Friday, March 8th.


lentil bean


My age: 26

How far along: 6 weeks

How big is baby: the size of a lentil bean

Exercise/Activity Level: This past week I did pretty well working out.  I put in three days of cardio at the gym, one day of running outside, and one day of skiing (fresh powder, I might add!!!  ….which was amazing but quickly exhausting)  In general I feel more tired while exercising.

Maternity clothes: None yet.  Still wearing regular clothes.  Although I do feel bloated some days giving me a muffin top 🙂

Stretch marks: None.

Belly button: Innie.

Sleep: Sleep has already started to be affected.  I used to sleep like a rock, and lately I wake up multiple times at night.  Sometimes it is to go to the bathroom, and others it is just waking up and falling back asleep.

Best moment of the week: Skiing powder at Breckenridge.  We got up super early on Saturday and got on the first chair, giving us first tracks!!  It was phenomenal!

Food cravings: No official cravings, but I have had homemade popcorn a few days this week.  Plus Chick-Fil-A twice last week.  Yummy.

Food aversions: Eric made bacon on Sunday morning and I just about passed out from the aroma.  I made him open windows on a cold winter day!


  1. Swollen and achy breasts
  2. Feeling more tired
  3. Sleeping/lying around more than usual
  4. Emotional/moodiness
  5. Headaches

Movement: None.

Gender: Unknown.

What I’m looking forward to: In two and a half weeks from now Eric and I are going hom to Indiana to see my family.  I’m excited to share the news with them about our little baby in person!!

What I’m nervous about: Work.  I feel like I work too much and need to be more deliberate about asking to cut back hours.

What I miss: Having more energy.

Next appointment: Friday, February 15, 2pm FIRST ULTRASOUND!


Well, I think my body is so busy making a baby so rapidly inside of me that I have no energy for anything else.  I’m just wiped out lately.  Today after our staff meeting at work, a co-worked asked me if everything was ok.  She mentioned I didn’t seem like my usual perky self.  I just explained I was tired.  Last night I got home from work at 7:30 and went straight into bed.  Boy, I’m exhausted.

Morning Sickness?

I always try to do my workouts the first thing in the morning because it really gets my day going on the right foot.  Plus, with my job, I typically get home around 7:30pm, so there would be no way I would have energy for exercise that late in the day after working long hours.  Well, I just returned home from my morning workout….and I’m feeling awful this morning.  While doing a 45 minute cardio session on the arc trainer, I had waves of nausia that would come and go.  I also have a raging headache on the front left side of my forehead.  Great.

Could it be morning sickness?  I haven’t thrown up yet, and I’m hoping I don’t.  To be honest, having three months of morning sickness scares me a little more than the actual birth scares me!  I guess we will see if it develops into anything.

I mentioned before wanting to tell our families in person about our news.  We will see my family in Indiana at the beginning of March.  And I just booked our airfare to Las Vegas for early-mid March to visit Eric’s family.  I am so glad we will be able to share our great news in person!  Plus, my childhood best friend now lives in Vegas and is due with her first baby in early March.  I hope that I will get to see her and her little baby when we are there.

Now off to work.  Hopefully today isn’t a puke-y day:)


apple seed


My age: 26

How far along: 5 weeks

How big is baby: the size of an apple seed

Exercise/Activity Level: I try to work out at least 5 days per week.  I notice that when I workout my boobs HURT and I feel more tired than usual.

Maternity clothes: None yet.  Still wearing regular clothes.  I do feel bloated and yucky in my clothes, blah. :)

Stretch marks: None.

Belly button: Innie.

Sleep: Sleeping ok as of now.

Best moment of the week: Getting a positive pregnancy test last week!!  I was excited and couldn’t wait to tell Eric.

Food cravings: No official cravings as of yet.

Food aversions: None.


  1. Swollen and achy breasts
  2. Feeling more tired
  3. Sleeping/lying around more than usual
  4. Emotional/moodiness
  5. Headaches

Movement: None.

Gender: Unknown.

What I’m looking forward to: Looking forward to all of the changes pregnancy will bring!

What I’m nervous about: Everything.  I feel like I’m nervous about miscarriage (no reason to worry, but I do!)

What I miss: Having more energy.

Next appointment: Friday, February 8th…getting confirmation at my gyno.

Baby Lute…coming October 2013!


I can’t believe it’s actually true.  I’m pregnant!  As of today, I’m 5 weeks along, so very early.  Eric and I are thrilled, feel so blessed and at the same time shocked that it’s actually real.  In 8 short months from now, we will be parents.  Parents to a baby, not just a dog and a cat!

We found out this exciting news a week ago.  I had been “feeling pregnant” for at least a week.  I just felt “off” in addition to some typical early pregnancy detection symptoms.  The waiting game was just killing me.  They say that it’s best to wait until at least the first day of your missed period to take a pregnancy test.  I took a lot of strength for me to wait.  The unknown just about killed me.  I just needed to know one way or the other.

I am thrilled to tell our families, but we really want to wait to tell them in person.  We will be traveling to see family in early March.  I will be 9 weeks along at that point and can’t wait to share our great news with them at that time.  I hope I get some shocked faces:)

So here’s how it happened: or nevermind, I think you know how it happened.  🙂