Nursery Pinspiration – Baby Girl #2

I have been busy working on the nursery. It’s coming together really nicely. I don’t have any pictures yet, but I hope to post pictures once it’s complete. We have the crib set up, curtains hung, crib bedding. I bought a sewing machine recently, so I’ve made a changing pad cover, teething rail guard, no-sew crib skirt and a blanket that all match. I’d like to make a few more things. We have no wall art yet. Here is my inspiration for baby girl #2’s nursery. I decided to go with a navy theme with hot pink accents.

Here are some pins that have been my inspiration…

Navy and hot pink nursery

pin8Love the navy crib skirt with hot pink sheet


Elegant combo of navy and hot pink


I love this pink stripe with the baby’s name over the crib


Cute navy crib skirt with a hot pink border


I want to make a pillow just like this


Hot pink flower ball & navy/pink wall art


Would love a hot pink and navy pennant banner


Teething rail guard to match the crib skirt, this pink is too light



37weekswintermelonPREGNANCY WEEK 37

It’s hard to believe that the time has come: we are now FULL TERM!  Pregnancy has felt like a very LONG time, yet so quick at the same time.  At the end of January when I first got a positive pregnancy test, I never knew how exciting, exhausting, taxing, yet so fulfilling this pregnancy was going to be over the next 9 months.  There are so many types of pregnant women I know: some absolutely LOVE pregnancy and would do it a million times, others HATED their pregnancies with a passion and yet others have fallen somewhere in the middle.  I tend fall somewhere in the middle but leaning on the side of loving pregnancy.  I really have enjoyed my part in creating, growing and carrying this little girl.  I will feel somewhat sad when pregnancy is over, yet will be so exhilarated and excited to finally meet my baby in person.  But, it would also be a lie if I said I wasn’t looking forward to taking back control of my body again!  No matter the case, it is truly a blessing from our Heavenly Father to be weeks away from holding our precious daughter in our arms.  Lord willing, she could make her grand appearance any day now.

Here is just a glimpse at what 17 weeks, 27 weeks and 37 weeks looked like for my pregnancy:


And now for a  CLOSE UP shot of that belly!  It’s so amazing what the human body is capable of!


My age: 27

How far along: 37 weeks….full term baby!

How big is baby: the size of a winter melon.  She is approximately 19-20 inches long and weighs 6.3 pounds.

What have you been up to: We have been going non-stop this past week.  What a change from the slow-moving lifestyle of Florida!  This past week was filled with doctors appointments, maternity photography photo shoot, a scheduled class/hospital tour of the labor & delivery wing at our hospital, getting together with friends, buying all the remaining items off our baby registry and finishing the nursery.  Yes, I did say we finished the nursery!!  In fact, as you keep reading this blog post, you will see the full nursery reveal.  I am so excited to finally share it!  But be patient:)

Last week I mentioned that I had to go in for an ultrasound to check baby’s size because of a lack of fundal height growth and lack of my weight gain.  The ultrasound on Wednesday went great!  Baby is growing just fine!!  She had grow a full pound since the previous ultrasound we had less than 3 weeks prior.  She measured just slightly small, but she has always measured slightly small every time we had ever had an ultrasound, so no concerns.  The doctors were very pleased with her growth!  So this is great news!

Our hospital class/tour was a really great experience.  There were quite a few other couples who will also be delivering soon and it was fun to talk with them.  It was also really cool to walk around the hospital, looking at the rooms and letting myself envision the birth of my child in just a few short weeks.  The labor and delivery rooms are just gorgeous!  They are all recently renovated.  Some of the rooms have tubs, others do not.  The nurse said to request a room with a tub upon admittance to the hospital when I am in labor, and hopefully they will have some available.  I have heard that laboring in a tub is a wonderful experience, though I do not plan to actually GIVE BIRTH in the tub.

A really cool/random thing that happened during our hospital tour was a celebrity sighting!!  I am a diehard fan of the ABC show Extreme Weight Loss.  A trainer, Chris Powell, works one-on-one with morbidly obese clients for an entire year, and they usually end up losing 200+ pounds with his help.  It’s an incredibly inspiring TV show, and I have religiously never missed a single episode in the 3 seasons it has aired so far.  Well, I knew from following Chris Powell (and also his expectant wife, Heidi Powell) on Instagram that they were currently working with a client in Denver.  I always thought it’d be pretty neat if one day I bumped into him.  Little did I know, that it would ACTUALLY HAPPEN!  I got to meet both Chris and Heidi in the maternity wing at the hospital!  Apparently someone on the season they are filming was in labor (maybe his client’s wife), and they were at the hospital awaiting the birth.  Both Chris and Heidi were as NICE as they are on TV.  Heidi even asked me about my baby and when I was due.  I was way too shy to ask for a photo with them (plus, I was on a hospital tour and the group was leaving me!)….so that is my biggest regret, no photo.  After I got home, I did comment on Heidi’s Instagram, and she commented back.  Here is a photo of Chris Powell and his wife Heidi:


Celebrity trainer Chris Powell and his wife Heidi. I met them last week!


After meeting them, I commented on Heidi’s instagram, and she messaged me back!!  How cool!



Remember my pinspiration here:


Baby Lute’s Nursery.  Remember my Pinterest inspiration (featured above) for the nursery????  Well, I think my nursery is even better:)  The nursery is finally complete!  It turned out even more beautiful than I originally envisioned.  My dream nursery was a purple & gray room with white furniture and pops of teal.  I didn’t want the room to be equal parts purple and teal, but simply a purple room with occasional “pops” of teal accessories.  I think it is just PERFECT!  This project has been such a long process because most every single piece in the room is custom, repurposed, home made or call it what you like it.  The crib was purchased second hand and my husband went through the work of sanding it down, stripping it, priming it, repainting it, sealing it, and putting it together.  The two dressers were old wooden dressers that Eric had in his room growing up, so he went through the same process to re-do those as the crib.  The curtains are sewed by me (and my best friend who helped me with any/all of my sewing projects!).  The crib skirt was also made by me.  One of my fellow bloggers (A Curious Katie) posted a link to the tutorial she used to make this “no sew crib skirt” (link to Katie’s skirt and the tutorial she linked found here: and I figured I could try to attempt to make one myself!  It turned out lovely!  I also sewed decorative pillows for the room with left over fabric from the crib skirt.  With leftover fabric, I also framed the fabric and used it as art.  Are you ready to see???

Here is what Baby Lute’s nursery looks like:



And here is a close up of the “No Sew Crib Skirt” that I made!  It was so easy and it looks fab!


Now for a few more….


The canopy over the crib gives the room a princess feel.  I love the mobile we found at Babies R Us.


The crib and dressers were 100% re-done by my amazing husband!  He worked SO HARD on these, and I think the end result looks flawless!


I bought these teal & white frames and used scrap fabric as art.  I love how it turned out!


The white and purple globes are from Hobby Lobby.  I love the fun they add to the space.  And I LOVE this little teal lamp!


This shelf holds so many odds and ends.  It’s perfect for the space.


We purchased this glider & ottoman from Babies R Us.  The white fabric makes me a bit nervous (note the plastic cover is STILL on the ottoman, haha!), but I can’t wait to rock baby girl here!


The curtains were sewed by me (I have no sewing machine, so my best friend helped me with these).  We also sewed matching decorative pillows & I made a no-sew crib skirt.


The space has plenty of natural light coming in, but only one window.  I bought this window-looking mirror and think it fits well — almost giving the appearance of a second window.


This accessory is probably one of my favorite pieces in the room.  My best friend made this headband holder!  She filled it with about 10 or more headbands that she made for my baby girl.  It’s a lovely way to display a few of the headbands too.


Even the light switch is an accessory!


Sewing pillows was an after thought.  I had left over fabric from making the crib skirt, and figured making pillows wouldn’t be too difficult.  My best friend also had some other fabric that was perfect for making more decorative pillows, so we went nuts!  (Because of SIDS risk, the pillows will NOT BE IN THE CRIB WITH MY BABY!)


Here is the long pillow roll I made.  It almost looks like I purchased a matching set — but it’s all custom made (BY ME!!)


Changing table.

Exercise/Activity Level: Exercising is still going great!  This week in my 6 workouts, I ran 3 days and did 3 gym cardio/weight workouts.  The weather has been a monsoon here in Denver (you may have seen the extreme flooding all across Denver metro on the national news), so I got to run in the rain all week.  Two of my runs were in the rain, and by my third run of the week, I opted for a indoor/dry treadmill run at the gym.  I tell ya, the looks I get when I am running on the treadmill in the gym are hysterical!  I swear they think I’m a lunatic!  I am just so thrilled to still be running at FULL TERM!

Maternity clothes:  It’s fun wearing my maternity clothes!  With the cooler/rainy weather I even wore some leggings with boots…embracing the fall look!

Stretch marks: None.  Still.  Hoping I make it through!

Belly Button: Outie.

Sleep: My sleep is hit or miss.  Gone are the days of wonderful sleep.  Some nights I sleep through the night, and other nights I am up multiple times.  A few nights this week I woke up at 2am like clockwork – starving!  So downstairs I went to get a snack!

Newest baby milestones this week: Baby is now full term!  If I were to go into labor from this point forward, the doctors would do little to prevent me from giving birth.  Baby is all ready to go.  From here on out, she will just continue to grow and put on more fat.

Best Moment of the Week:   Two best moments: 1. finding out at the ultrasound that there is NOTHING to worry about since baby girl is growing like a weed, and 2. meeting Chris Powell – I’m a huge fan!

Worst Moment of the Week: The rain.  It’s devastating to see all of the people in our area who have lost homes (and even a few lives have been lost) because of flooding.  Some parts of Colorado have gotten more rain in one WEEK than the regular average rainfall for one YEAR.

Food cravings: Lots of healthy foods.  Bring on the apples with peanut butter like usual.  I’ve started getting really full now before I even finish a meal…I think the baby is taking up too much room for me to comfortably eat.

Food aversions: Nothing currently.

Symptoms: More of the same: Braxton hicks, feeling like my belly is huge, trouble getting up, etc.

Movement: Lots of rolling and twisting.  She still favors the right side.  Sometimes I feel her kick her foot/knee/elbow SO HARD into my right side that it hurts!

Gender: Girl

What I’m looking forward to: I’m looking forward to meeting our baby soon.  I just cannot believe how close it’s getting now.  I have been doing a lot of day dreaming lately.  I am so ready, yet so not at the same time!

What I’m nervous about/praying for: We are always praying for our daughter.  Now we are starting to focus those prayers on momma and baby experiencing a safe delivery soon.

What I miss: I’m super content right now and can’t think of a single thing I want to change.

Next appointment: Tuesday, Sept. 17 at 9:30 a.m.

To-do list before baby’s arrival: THINGS I WANT TO GET DONE THIS WEEK:

-Find a pediatrician & meet several of them before choosing

-Pack hospital bag

-Make a phone-tree for announcing baby’s arrival

-Install the car seat

-Buy a baby book

-Figure out plans for pet-care while in the hospital




BUMP REPORT – 28 Weeks


It is great that the 3rd trimester is here.  I am excited for this phase because it puts me just that much closer to the final result: our baby girl being here.  Time is starting to pass by very quickly, so I have a feeling that this final trimester is going to fly before my eyes.  I also am looking forward to all of the relaxing I get to do these next few weeks/months before the baby comes.  We leave for Florida for our 6-week-trip on Monday.  I’m now done working (which is nuts to be jobless since I’ve always been a tad of workaholic!) and it’s just time to relax and enjoy these last few months.  Eric will be working while we are in Florida, but I won’t.  I have several people coming to visit, so that will be fun.

With all of this extra time on my hands, it’s time to start kicking reading into full gear.  I have SO MANY books that I’ve bought since I finding out we were pregnant.  Some of these books I have already finished reading, and others I am still working through.  I wanted to share these books and let you know what I think about them:


1. What to Expect Before You’re Expecting.  I bought this book about 4-5 months before we planned to conceive our baby.  This book talks about all the ways it’s good to prep your body for the marathon of pregnancy.  It also talks about how to cope with a pregnancy that just isn’t happening and things that could be wrong.


2. The Girlfriend’s Guide to Pregnancy.  This book will have you laughing your head off!  It’s written as a alternate route to a more formal pregnancy-info book.  The author says in the book you will learn all of the things your doctor won’t tell you.  I loved this book, but don’t recommend it as a stand-alone book.  I think there is also value to reading an educational pregnancy book in addition to this book.


3. The Girlfriend’s Guide to Surviving the First Year of Motherhood. I actually haven’t started reading this book yet, but plan to do so soon.  If it’s anything like her first book, I’m sure it will be super practical and useful approach to motherhood.


4. Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy.  I was sent this book for free from our health insurance (yeah I know, score!).  It is a very informative/educational pregnancy book.  I like it much better than What to Expect when You’re Expecting though.  It has really good pictures and graphics.  I find myself picking this one up a lot.


5. What to Expect when You’re Expecting.  I don’t love this book.  At all.  In fact, when I was newly pregnant and reading this book, I felt very overwhelmed and scared by some of the information I read.  My doctor advised me to stop reading this book!  So I did.  I have recently picked it up again and started reading bits and pieces, but not letting myself get to that scared place again.  It does have useful information, but I like the Mayo Clinic book much better.


6. Your Pregnancy for the Father-to-Be.  I am not reading this.  Eric is.  We bought this early in the pregnancy….  I don’t know if it’s good or not, but I think he likes having information to tap into that is geared towards him as a soon-to-be daddy.


7. YOU Having a Baby.  I just started reading this book last night.  So far I LOVE it!  It’s kind of like an educational book with humor tossed in!  I have a feeling that I will actually read this entire book from cover to cover.  I like it’s style.


8. 100,000 Baby Names.  Obviously I am not “reading” this book, but using it for ideas for our little girl’s name.  Deciding on a name is super hard!!  I like knowing the meaning of names, so this book is great.


9. The Mommy Diet.  Alison Sweeney is the host on the Biggest Loser (a show I’ve watched for years), so I picked this book up.  It’s general book about how to eat, exercise, and dress during the stages of your pregnancy.  It’s a nice book, but pretty surface information that I already knew.  I like it, but I haven’t really learned anything new from reading the book.


10. Belly Laughs.  Jenny McCarthy is a pretty funny lady.  This book was a one-day read.  I read it when I was about 5 weeks pregnant and really enjoyed it.  She doesn’t sugarcoat anything about pregnancy.  She is super real about what happened to her and puts a hilarious twist on it!




My age: 27

How far along: 28 weeks!!  Welcome to the 3rd and FINAL trimester!!!

How big is baby: the size of kabocha squash.  I’ve never heard of this before:)  She is 15 inches long and weighs 2.5 pounds.  If you look at the picture I found from Baby Center below, it shows how baby currently looks in the womb.  It’s just CRAZY for me to think that she is getting so big.


Exercise/Activity Level: I am absolutely LOVING my Gabrialla Maternity Support Belt!  I mentioned last week that I had purchased one Amazon and tried it out with great results.  Well, after a full week of use, I can say that I am a believer.  Using the belt while running has been absolutely great.  I feel so much lighter and feel less impact in my belly.  I feel much “safer” I guess…like my baby is more protected while I am pounding the pavement.  I have also worn the support belt to the gym and it’s ok, but I don’t know if it’s fully necessary to use it at the gym because I stick with lower impact exercise there (usually a combination of the arc trainer or stair master and weights).  Overall, this past week’s workouts went really well!  I did 6 days like I usually do (3 outdoor runs and 3 gym days).  On my one rest day of the week, I was in a total funk.  I think there may have been a correlation with my funk coming on a non-exercise day.  Exercise just keeps me sane and feeling so good.  It’s hard work to exercise every day, but totally worth it.

jean1jean2Maternity clothes:  One day this week I put on a maternity shirt that I was wearing at around 17-19 weeks a few times.  For whatever reason, I haven’t worn it since then, and let’s just say it fits a slight bit differently than it did 10 weeks ago!  Granted it was a size small, and I more typically wear size medium.  I have started wearing more dresses and shorts since the weather is full-swing summer.  For a while I was uncomfortable wearing shorts, but I bought a pair of jean shorts (made by Indigo Blue via Motherhood Maternity) with side panels that I love….  I love how they still feel like regular button-up shorts that go under my belly.

Stretch marks: None.

Belly button: Flat belly button.

Sleep: My sleep is by no means great, but there has been an improvement since last week!  I found a useful trick that has tremendously helped me: I place my body pillow in front of me, and then about 2-3 regular pillows right behind me (like I’m in a cave).  Adding those extra pillows behind me has made a world of difference in my sleep quality!  Thank God!

Newest baby milestones this week: Baby’s lungs are continuing to develop.  Baby is busy coughing, sucking, hiccuping, and taking practice breaths. Her sleep now includes the REM phase which means she is dreaming!

Best Moment of the Week:  Getting a lot accomplished on the baby’s nursery.  I will eventually post pictures of the finished product, but right now we are still missing a few things: a glider chair and ottoman, a crib mattress (and all of the crib sheets/set).  So just to give you an updated glimpse of baby girl’s nursery….


Worst Moment of the Week: I decided that it would be a fun experience to go garage saling.  I haven’t been to a garage sale since I was a kid.  I have heard that people find so many great baby items, so I thought it would be worth my time to check this thing out.  So on Saturday morning, I got up and started driving around, turning at the bright “SALE TODAY” signs posted on neighborhood corners.  I had a major fail.  In 2.5 hours, I went to about 11-12 places and bought zero items.  Now perhaps my strategy was off….maybe I should have looked up specific baby-focused garage sales and mapped out a plan…I don’t know.  But let’s just say this: I was sweaty, exhausted, worn out from looking through people’s junk and by the time I got home, I had a full on melt down.  No more garage sales for this lady in the near future.  (That is, unless I have someone to guide me in the correct paths of garage saling.)

Food cravings: Fruit, string cheese, milk, ice cream, orange pop and orange sherbet.

Food aversions: I finally ate chicken this week!  That was a winning moment.

Symptoms: Ribcage pain (sharp pain!!–I even went to the doctor last week to get this checked out, and the severe pain is from my ab muscles tearing), heart burn, less than perfect sleep, hunger pains, and frequent trips to the bathroom.

Movement: She is moving like crazy.  My belly will be jolting all over the place and Eric and I are kept entertained:)

Gender: Girl

What I’m looking forward to: My baby shower this weekend.  I have three girlfriends who have put this shower together and they have kept me really in the dark about the plans.  It will be so good to see everyone, especially since we will be leaving for our 6-weeks-in-Florida trip two days after the shower.

What I’m nervous about/praying for: Praying a lot for our 28-29 hour drive to Florida next week.  We leave on Monday and will drive for 3 days.  I know that it will be an adventure, but part of me is nervous about that many hours in the car.

What I miss: Little things: like bending over to tie my shoes, or getting up off the couch with ease:)

Next appointment: Tuesday, July 16: tomorrow!  This is when I will have my 1-hour glucose screening test.  I am hoping this goes well and I pass.  I have to consume this drink tomorrow morning before I get to my appointment.

IMAG0439The fun “juice” I get to drink tomorrow morning for my gestational diabetes testing


My adorable husband and dog:)


BUMP REPORT – 27 Weeks


My age: 27

How far along: 27 weeks – LAST week of the 2nd Trimester!!!  Here is a recap of the 2nd Trimester now that we are wrapping it up:



How big is baby: the size of head of cauliflower.  She is 14.5 inches long and weighs 2.2 pounds.

Exercise/Activity Level: Still keeping strong with my workouts.  6 days included: 3 outdoor runs and 3 days of cardio/weights at the gym.  At the gym one day this week, I was leaving and the girl at the front desk said to me, “Great job, by the way!  I think it’s amazing that you are still working out with your pregnancy.  I see so many women who are pregnant who don’t workout and cancel their gym membership.  You are doing great, keep it up!”  It made me feel really good to hear such positive reinforcement like that.  Sometimes it’s just good to get a pat on the back for a job well done.

On another note, my running continues to be more of a challenge, but I continue to push through.  After hearing good feedback from other pregnant runners about the Gabriella Maternity Belt, I decided it was time for me to invest in one.  I ordered it on Amazon early last week and it arrived over the weekend.  Everyday I was tracking the package through the mail since I was so excited for it to arrive.  On Sunday’s run I tried it out and I think this is just the edge I needed.  Overall I felt lighter and felt that I could run longer without having to stop to take a walking break.  I definitely plan to continue using this belt on my runs and even wear it to the gym too.  I got a black one since most of my running shorts or capris are black.  It hides fairly well under my clothes, which is nice.


I wrote a post this earlier week about our BOB stroller.  I am just WAY excited to use it once the baby is here!  Eric says we need to store it away in the garage since we have no reason for it to be out right now.  I told him that I still just need to “look at it” for a few days.  🙂Bobstroller

Maternity clothes:  Gosh, I love my maternity clothes!  It’s almost sad to think that I will eventually have to put them away.  They are so cute and many of them are so comfortable.  I feel chic in many of my clothes since my friend gave me her goldmine of maternity clothes!!

Stretch marks: None.  I moisturize super well daily to help keep things this way.

Belly button: Flat belly button.  See the picture above with my running belt.

Sleep: Sleep is pretty rough lately.  I am trying to figure out how to solve this.  I don’t think there is going to be a solution, haha!

Newest baby milestones this week: Baby’s lungs and immune system are maturing this week.  If she were born today he would have an 85% chance of surviving!!  That is great to think that we are getting safer!!  Baby girl’s brain tissue and neurons are all developing quickly.  Her brain waves are now firing away just like those of a newborn baby.

Best Moment of the Week:  Getting to relax and enjoy the 4th of July holiday.


I made mini fruit pizzas for the holiday.


My hubby and I on 4th of July.


My best friend and I enjoying Independence Day!


My friends got a beagle puppy about a month and a half ago.  Luckenbach “Luke” curled up on my lap to take a snooze. 

Worst Moment of the Week: I don’t think I had a worst moment of the week:)

Food cravings: Cucumber sandwiches, fruit, orange sherbet, milk, orange pop and ice cream.

Food aversions: Chicken.

Symptoms: Growing, ribcage pain, bathroom runs.

Movement: I think I have a little gymnast in there.  This baby is active ALL the time.  It’s like she is constantly awake and bouncing around.

Gender: Girl

What I’m looking forward to: Getting the nursery finished.  Eric has been working really hard on nursery related projects.  He painted the crib and the dressers, which was a HUGE project.  I painted the nursery walls (gray walls with a dark purple accent wall).  I also put together a shelf all by myself.

Here is our inspiration for the room:


…and here is what the nursery currently looks like (a small sneak peak!):


Here are a few pictures I took the other day while Eric assembled the freshly painted crib.  He did such an AWESOME job with the crib and I am so proud of him.  He also redid the dressers too (which you can see in the pictures).  They now have knobs on them.  I will put more pictures up later once the room is more complete.  Here are the crib assembling pics:




OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhat I’m nervous about/praying for: Functioning on less-than-quality sleep.  I know this is only going to get worse….

What I miss: Sleeping well:)

Next appointment: Tuesday, July 16.


Nursery Ideas

Now that we found out our baby is a girl, I can more logically start envisioning the future with this little one.  I’m imagining all the cutesy girly pinks, purples, laces and frills that are to come.  I also have started to think more practically about baby’s nursery.  After perusing through pinterest, I have a few pretty concrete ideas for how I envision my baby girl’s nursery.  My idea is to have a purple room with small accents of teal.  Here are some visuals that I found on pinterest:


This picture is exactly what I envision the nursery to look like.  I love the purple and pale gray with white furniture.


I love the idea of adding small pops of teal with a purple room.  Teal is my favorite color, so of COURSE I want to add it as an accent.


Here is another visual of mixing teal with purple.  This picture shows a little MORE teal than I actually envision.  I’d rather it be more pops of color, rather than equal parts purple with equal parts teal.


I think I always wished to be a princess as a little girl.  The canopy over the crib screams princess to me!  I really want to find a canopy and maybe a cute little chandelier like this picture shows.  I just think it is adorable.

One thing that is good about using an accent wall (purple wall) and accent pieces (like pops of teal), make it easy to transition if our 2nd baby is a boy.  When baby #2 makes his or her way into the world, we can always simply repaint the one accent wall to a blue or green and it’s a fairly simple transition.

In general, I’m just SO EXCITED to have this baby and I can’t wait to meet her.  Getting ideas for the nursery are just one way for me to get more excited about her.