Welcome Baby Chloe Rose! 10.25.15

FB_IMG_1446025754084Welcoming our sweet daughter, Chloe Rose Lute, born on 10.25.15 at 6:47 am. She is 6 lbs 15 oz, 19.5 inches with brown hair and blue eyes.

My water broke Saturday late night, contractions awoke me at 2:30 am, we arrived to the hospital at 5:00 am and was delivered at 6:47 am. She was born all naturally without any drugs, epidural or other interventions at 6:47 am, less than two hours after arriving at the hospital. What a whirlwind delivery, less than 5 hour labor & delivery! Full birth story to come. For now, we are just enjoying this beautiful daughter and getting to know her. Winter is absolutely wonderful at her new role as big sister.

Love, Katy

Baby #2 BUMP REPORT – 40 Weeks – My due date!


PREGNANCY WEEK 40 – October 23, 2015 – MY DUE DATE!

Funny how I thought I might not make it to my due date. Silly me…I was 2 days overdue when Winter was born, so not sure why I thought I’d be early this go round. I’m not saying this to complain at ALL. I’m perfectly happy that baby girl has chosen to keep on cooking until she is good and ready. But I must say there’s a mental game that gets played when you aren’t sure the day or the hour of when labor will begin. I’ve been a hormonal mess this week because of the unknown. I just hope that we are near the end so I can stop feeling this pressure of NOT KNOWING!! Physically, my body feels great being pregnant, but emotionally and hormonally, I think I’ve had enough:)

According to sources, baby is on average 19-21 inches long and 7.5-8 pounds…the size of a…???? Baby, that’s what. I think we’ve used up all the fruits and vegetables possible at this point. My prediction is that she will be a bit bigger than Winter was at birth. Winter was 7 lbs 2.5 ounces and 18.5 inches long. I think we will be somewhere in the 19-19.5 inch and 7.5-8 pound range if she’s born within this week. Now if she goes way overdue, then maybe into the 8 pound and above range. Let’s hope that I don’t go way overdue. I don’t like the idea of induction….and I don’t like the idea of being 42 weeks pregnant either. So let’s just pray that she decides to pick a birthday this week naturally.

I feel pretty happy with where things stand on getting stuff done. I got my photo editing done, house cleaned and bags packed. The baby’s room is pretty much ready. Her name is picked. We have the infant car seat out and ready to go. Now we just need her to be born. Like anytime would be great! I’m not sure what she’s waiting on, but this family is ready!

Winter is going to love being a big sister. I really think she will. She is obsessed with babies and I know it won’t be any different having her OWN baby to love on and help with at home. She is the most nurturing little girl you could meet. She not only loves REAL live babies, but she is also very obsessed with baby dolls. She has 4 dolls and she loves pushing them in her toy stroller, putting them in the toy car seat, rocking them, feeding them bottles, and keeping them wrapped up and swaddled at all times. We have been encouraging her to use her baby sister’s name. We say, “baby _________” is going to come home and live with us soon. She is coming out of mommy’s tummy and you’ll get to help take care of her every day.” I hope and pray she doesn’t get jealous.

For the past week I’ve honestly been on edge thinking I’ll go into labor at any moment. My Braxton Hicks contractions are non stop. The baby is SO LOW and the pressure is insane. I’ve been doing a lot of exercise and running this week, but still the baby is not out! Running is pretty uncomfortable, but hey….I’ve yet again reached my goal of running until delivery in this second pregnancy. Go me!

Two friends delivered their (second) babies this week, and both had FAST labors and deliveries. Like fast! One friend had less than 4 hours from the time her water broke until the baby was born. I sure hope my labor is faster than the 22 hours I experienced with Winter. Especially since this time I’m planning for an all-natural drug-free birth. Soon! Speaking of natural births, I re-watched the documentary on births/midwives called The Business of Being Born. I also watched the followup series that goes into more topics. The documentary is a bit out there for me….maybe too crunchy, but I do agree with a good portion of it. I’m so happy to be using a midwife this time.

I had my appointment this morning and I’m dilated to 2.5 cm and my belly measured 38 cm. Then this afternoon I went to the chiropractor for (I hope) my final pregnant adjustment. I will of course go back again after delivery.

Baby girl….come!

My age: 29

How far along: 40 weeks

How big is baby: the size of a baby (19-21 inches and 7.5-8 pounds)

Gender: Girl

Events of this week: Went to a pumpkin patch/festival, went out to eat (eggplant parmesan), play date, went walking several times, lots of exercise, mucho cleaning, mucho photo editing, lots of wondering WHEN it’s gonna happen.

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, baby dropped, lots of pressure down there, heartburn, feeling huge.

Exercise/Activity: 5 days, go me!! And that includes several times of RUNNING this week. Yet I still haven’t ran her out of my uterus yet. I’ve tried to exercise more and eat healthier this week….since after all, I’m prepping for my upcoming event: birth. Similar to a race.

Sleep: Pretty good this week.

Maternity clothes:  Yes.

Stretch marks: No.

Belly Button: Out.

Food cravings: I’ve been on a health kick this week. I didn’t want to go into birthing a baby feeling yucky and bloated. So no sweets or junk have been a part of my diet and I feel refreshed.

Food aversions: Nothing.

Movement: Yes.

Best Moment of the Week: Spending time together as a family enjoying these last days as a family of 3 before life gets a little crazy!

Worst Moment of the Week: Some emotional/hormonal roller coasters that had me happy one moment and weepy or irritable the next. Yucky hormones!

What I’m looking forward to: A healthy baby born after a successful all natural delivery!

What I’m nervous about/praying for: Praying that everything goes smoothly.

What I miss: I want to HAVE THIS BABY!

Next appointment: Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 8:20 a.m. if I still happen to be pregnant. Hopefully not.

Comparison shot:


40 week pic:


Baby #2 BUMP REPORT – 39 Weeks


PREGNANCY WEEK 39 – October 17, 2015

Oh what can I say? We are here. Full term. Cooked. Photoshoots are done and hardwood floors are in. So that means I’d be ok with you being born anytime now. Although I do still have some work to do to finish editing many of those photo sessions…that can be done even with a newborn at home. I’m logging hours everyday working as hard as I can to complete the work I need to get done, just in case you do come soon.

At my appointment on Thursday, I was dilated 2 cm and she said the baby feels SUPER low. I concur with that. In the past day I’ve dropped even more….I really think things are pointing in the right direction. My belly measured 38 cm, up from the previous week’s 36, so there must’ve been some more growth.

Will this be my last update before baby is born? Guess we will see!

Here’s a bare belly shot taken today at 39 weeks, 1 day…see how low this baby is?!


My age: 29

How far along: 39 weeks

How big is baby: the size of a jackfruit (19-21 inches and 7.2 pounds)

Gender: Girl

Events of this week: Photography sessions, editing, play date, walking outside, enjoying the changing fall colors, life group, church, MOPS, park.

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, feeling super low, it feels like the baby is going to fall out of me, the need to pee all of the time, but then there’s nothing, super achy when I first get up from sitting or lying down. Big belly. Like big.

Exercise/Activity: 4 days, though I’m counting walking:) I haven’t been running for fear that the baby will literally fall out of me, but I think now that I’m 39 weeks I’ll give it a go again. I’m in no big rush to give birth, but I’d be fine from anything here on out.

Sleep: Sometimes great, sometimes horrible. Insomnia hits badly at times. Like the night last week when I couldn’t fall asleep until 5:30 a.m. That was rough when I woke up 2.5 hours later and wanted to die!

Maternity clothes:  Yes. Many shirts don’t cover my belly fully at this stage.

Stretch marks: No.

Belly Button: Out.

Food cravings: Swiss cheese, yogurt, sweets

Food aversions: Nothing.

Movement: Lots.

Best Moment of the Week: Finishing the hardwood floors! What a relief to have that huge project done before the baby is born. Also, we really enjoyed our family day last weekend on Winter’s birthday. We went to breakfast, spent the day at the zoo and then went to church. It was a REALLY nice day where we enjoyed spending time together as just the 3 of us.

Worst Moment of the Week: My bad insomnia night.

What I’m looking forward to: Finishing up all of my remaining photo editing so that I can be ready for a baby to be born.

What I’m nervous about/praying for: A smooth and safe delivery. I am really wanting to have a drug free natural birth, so I pray that I have the strength and tools to accomplish this when the time comes! I’m a little nervous, yet excited too!

What I miss: Not being so tired.

Next appointment: Friday, October 23, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. (my due date!)

Bump comparison:


39 weeks pregnant:


Baby #2 BUMP REPORT – 38 Weeks


PREGNANCY WEEK 38 – October 10, 2015

Oh my goodness, happy 2nd birthday to my sweet firstborn, Winter Elizabeth. I cannot believe she is two years old! Time really does fly. It’s really bittersweet to think that my days with JUST HER are numbered. I know I will love having two daughters, but things are about to change very drastically. I am soaking up these precious moments that I have left with her as an only child! I love her so much. We celebrated her birthday with a simple Friday morning playdate with cupcakes. Since she loves Sofia the First, I did pick up a few Sofia decorations. I think it was perfectly simple and casual…just enough for a 38 weeks pregnant mommy to organize. Anything more would’ve felt like too much for me.

At 38 weeks, I am showing closer progression that labor is just around the corner. At my appointment on Thursday I measured 36 cm (again, same as last week), 1.5 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I mentioned that I feel as though I must’ve dropped because it feels like the baby is going to fall out. The midwife said by feeling, she also agrees that the baby has dropped. I doubt I have too much longer until labor begins. I hope to make it to at least 39 weeks. Anything 39 and beyond would be just dandy with me! According to the sites, baby is approximately 19-20 inches long and just under 7 pounds, the size of a small pumpkin. Happy fall, y’all!

So much progress has been made on floors and photography this week. Let’s keep on keeping on!

As I mentioned, it feels as though I’ve dropped because the baby feels like she’s going to fall out! I haven’t ran at all this week because I fear that it’ll actually happen. Perhaps I’ll attempt running again this week. Weight lifting and walking has been my go-to this week.

Check out this belly growth:


My age: 29

How far along: 38 weeks

How big is baby: the size of a small pumpkin (19-20 inches and 6.8 pounds)

Gender: Girl

Events of this week: Hardwood floors, photography, play dates, life group, Winter’s birthday.

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks all the time, heartburn, some sleep issues, heavy belly. Maybe this is TMI, but I joked with a friend that I know it’s the end of pregnancy when I can barely reach to wipe after using the bathroom!! HA!

Exercise/Activity: Got in 3 days this week. No running, but walking and weight lifting. I’ll attempt running again this week.

Sleep: Hit or miss. Last week I got up at 3am one day and was up for the day. Ugh!! Last night I couldn’t fall asleep until 5:30 a.m. Then I woke up at 8a.m….talk about fun! I just want to sleep:(

Maternity clothes:  Yes. Ready to slim down this belly down and get back into some regular clothes.

Stretch marks: No.

Belly Button: Out.

Food cravings: Swiss cheese, yogurt, fruit snacks.

Food aversions: Nothing.

Movement: Mucho.

Best Moment of the Week: Celebrating Winter’s 2nd birthday.

Worst Moment of the Week: Had an emotional meltdown one day because of feeling overwhelmed with the amount on my plate right now.

What I’m looking forward to: Getting lots DONE and feeling more and more prepared for baby girl’s arrival!

What I’m nervous about/praying for: I get so irritated so easily and I just pray that God will help my anxiety and mood so that my poor family doesn’t have to suffer.

What I miss: Free time. One day….when I have a newborn? lol What a joke!

Next appointment: Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 8:00 a.m.

Bump comparison:


38 weeks pregnant:


Baby #2 BUMP REPORT – 37 Weeks


PREGNANCY WEEK 37 – October 3, 2015

News flash! I finished reading my Hypnobirthing book! I finished prenatal classes (a series of 4 classes)! Making some headway on my “prep work.” Go me. I’m getting my head in the game. Birth has been something I’ve been thinking about and talking about a lot lately. Here’s what’s really left on my to do list before she comes:

-Pre-register and complete hospital tour

-Organize baby clothes & finish nursery

-Create a baby pool and invite people to guess baby’s stats

-Finish installing hardwood floors & deep clean everything afterward (SO DUSTY!)

-Get through my scheduled photoshoots & photo editing

-Clean my car

-Pack a hospital bag

-Make a belly cast again (???)…maybe

With only 19 days left until my due date, I think I can manage to get all of this accomplished. So long as I have the full 19 days, that is:) I really think she’s going to come right at 40 weeks, but there’s a little intuition in the back of my mind that keeps wondering otherwise. It’d be totally fine if she does, but we’d just have to make a few adjustments. I’d really like Winter to have her birthday (October 10th) be first and baby girl’s birthday to follow. I’m sure that’ll happen.

At my prenatal appointment I had a cervical check and found out that I’m thinning out and have dilated 1 cm. I think I was starting to dilate around this time last pregnancy too. So not too much to worry about there.

The hardwood floors are coming along great. Where things stand right now, we have 40 out of 48 boxes of hardwoods installed! Nearly there. Just need to finish the hallway and bathroom. And of course trimwork.

I got a prenatal massage which was amazing! It was part of a girls’ weekend for my friend Ashley’s 30th birthday. It was a fun time and it felt good to get away for a night and day to relax and do something unrelated to photos or floors. 🙂

My age: 29

How far along: 37 weeks

How big is baby: the size of a winter melon (19-20 inches and 6.5 pounds)

Gender: Girl

Events of this week: Photography, birth class, breastfeeding class, babysitting, lots of work on hardwood floors, sewing project, girls’ weekend overnight to celebrate a friend’s 30th birthday. Got a prenatal massage.

Symptoms: Heartburn, some insomnia, crazy dreams, Braxton Hicks, lots of movement, feeling like I’m lugging around a mass ton of bricks.

Exercise/Activity: Only twice this week. Let’s just say the hardwood floors and photo editing has taken over every moment of my life. Shooting for at least 3-5 days this upcoming week. Running is getting to be more challenging. It feels like the baby might just pop out when I run….uh….

Sleep: Depending on the night it can be great or terrible.

Maternity clothes:  Yes. Things are getting tighter though since my belly is massive at this point!

Stretch marks: No. Midwife complimented my skin.

Belly Button: Out.

Food cravings: Swiss cheese, yogurt, fruit snacks.

Food aversions: Nothing. Though I’ve been getting a lot more heartburn which isn’t fun.

Movement: Very active.

Best Moment of the Week: Spending the night in a fancy hotel in downtown Denver with my friend to celebrate her 30th birthday! We had afternoon tea at the Brown Palace Hotel, went out to dinner in Larimer Square, woke up to breakfast in bed and then spent the day in the spa where we each got massages.

Worst Moment of the Week: Nothing in particular.

What I’m looking forward to: Getting through all of the photoshoots and editing I need to get done in the next week or two. Also looking forward to Winter’s 2nd birthday next weekend!

What I’m nervous about/praying for: Praying for a healthy girl. I want her to come when she wants to, but I also want to feel prepared and ready if possible!

What I miss: A laid back life! Ha!

Next appointment: Thursday, October 8, 2015 at 1:00 p.m.

Comparison Shot:


Baby #2:
