BUMP REPORT – 32 Weeks


My age: 27

How far along: 32 weeks (only 8 weeks to go!)

How big is baby: the size of a jicama (some sort of vegetable I had never heard of before).  She is approximately 17.25 inches long and weighs 4 pounds.

What have you been up to: This past week we had my family visiting us in Florida.  It was so much fun!  My dad, mom, and two youngest siblings were here for an entire week.  For the first part of the week I was still fighting off a cold, but we still managed to get lots of fun and sun at the beach and the pool.

Also, we have finished our prenatal classes.  We took a 2-hour breastfeeding class and we took an all-day 8-hour birthing class on Saturday.  It was fun to see other expectant couples (mostly due in September or October) and to be educated with some helpful information.  The childbirth class was very thorough and we feel like it was a great asset to be more prepared.

Aside from all of that, I have been reading a lot since I have a lot of built-in beach time!  I finished a couple of books.  I really loved On Becoming Baby Wise.  I definitely recommend that one.  We will try to follow the guidelines this book teaches on putting your baby on a 3-hour routine.

Exercise/Activity Level: I completed 6 days of exercise this week.  Of the 6 days I did 3 runs (2 were outdoor runs and 1 was inside on the treadmill) and 3 gym cardio/weights workouts.  I have still been reaching my goal of doing 40 minutes of cardio (40 minutes for 40 weeks) during my gym workouts.

My runs sure are getting interesting….some days I feel “great” (whatever that really means at this point!), and other days I feel like I can barely run for 3-5 minutes at a time before breaking into walking.  My calf muscles have really been acting up for me.  They get extremely tight and it forces me to take more walking breaks.  If it weren’t for my darned calves, I’d probably be running the entire distance straight-through!  Well, maybe:)  Eric ran with me on Sunday, and I apologized to him that I had to stop to take walking breaks and his response was: “Well, I’m pretty sure it’d be a lot harder to run in this heat/humidity with a watermelon strapped to my belly!”  I appreciated his kind words.  It’s the truth, though!  Anyway, we are living in gated community, so when I run outside, I just run around the perimeter of the grounds.  I see lots of palm trees and peacocks.  Speaking of the peacocks, some of the female peacocks have brand new BABY PEACOCKS!!!  They are so adorable!  Wow, I am getting on a tangent:)


A photo I snapped at the gym of this 32 week belly.

Maternity clothes:  Still wearing mostly swimsuits.  Since all I do is go to the beach & pool, workout and sleep, I rarely wear normal clothes.  Sundays for church give me a reason to wear something nice.

Stretch marks: None.

Belly Button: It fluctuates between flat and out.

Sleep: My sleep is flawless.  Until last night where I woke up 3-4 times to go to the bathroom.  I think I drank too much water too soon before bed.  Aside from that, I really am basking in the blissful world of great sleep.  I know one day this will end.  For eternity 🙂

Newest baby milestones this week: Baby is hiccupping like crazy!  Since I first felt/saw her hiccups last week, she continues to get the hiccups on a regular basis.  The frequency seems to be about every-other day.  Eric really enjoys feeling her hiccups, but he said he feels bad for her.  I explained that babies aren’t annoyed by hiccups the way we are.  Speaking of Eric, he has been talking to the baby a lot lately.  It really melts my heart when he rests his head on my belly and has a conversation with our baby.  He keeps expressing his excitement to finally meet her!

Best Moment of the Week:  My best part of the week was getting to spend an entire week with my family!!  It was such a blast!  We went to the beach, went to the pool, watched a launch, went to Titusville to see my late grandparents’ house, church and grave, played games and ate mom’s home cooked meals.


Me with Mark and Christine.


We spent a lot of time hanging out at the pool.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe spent even more time hanging out on the beach!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAChristine built a sandcastle.  She is about to start college next week with an engineering major…hmmm, we have so many family members who enjoy building things!


Eric fishing and Mark (attempting) skinboarding.  You can see one of the cruise ships in the background that just departed.


Mom and Christine relaxing on the beach.


Me with my youngest siblings, Christine and Mark.


Mark and I.  I can’t believe he starts college in a few days!


Christine and I.


Where are Mom and Dad?!?  Oh, there they are, making friends with strangers as usual 🙂


We got to see Grandpa and Grandma’s graves.


Dad, Mom, Mark, me and Christine visiting our grandparents’ graves.


Eric, Mark and Koda hanging out on the patio.


Waiting to see the launch!


Me with my family right before we saw the rocket launch.

Worst Moment of the Week: Yelling at my mom.  I regret even having to write this because it is bringing me to tears just thinking about it.  My mom is the sweetest and most loving woman anyone could ever meet….and I yelled at her over something so silly and stupid.  Under normal circumstances I would not have said hurtful things, but in my hormonally pregnant state, I irrationally criticized her.  Thankfully it is in the past and she forgave me, but I still regret letting my hormones get the best of me.

Food cravings: Last week I wrote a post about my 10 pregnancy health goals because I totally revamped and cleaned up my diet.  I have been eating healthy for an entire week and feel SUPER great because of it.  The first few days I was having strong sugar cravings, but now those are under control.  My go to foods are: fruit (peaches, grapes, apples, watermelon, cherries and blueberries), greek yogurt, string cheese and granola bars.  These snack foods are essential when I’m on the beach.

Food aversions: None.  Although I’m avoiding all sugar and desserts (as well as processed foods).

Symptoms: I got my first Braxon Hicks contractions this week.  I can barely touch my toes (hard when I keep needed to repaint my toenails), mild heartburn and growing belly.

Movement: This baby is definitely growing like a weed.  Her movements are constant but the type of movements I am feeling has changed drastically.  Where I used to feel a lot of kicks or jabs, I am now feeling more wiggling, rolling and stretching.  I think she is running out of room in there!

Gender: Girl

What I’m looking forward to: I’m looking forward to our doctor appointment this Friday.  When I was there 2 weeks ago, the doctor mentioned that we might look at scheduling an ultrasound to see baby before we make the big trip back home (which is still a few weeks away).  I’m excited to see how baby is doing and also excited about possibly getting that ultrasound scheduled for within the next couple of weeks!  We thought we were done with ultrasounds, so this will be so fun if we do get to see her again.

What I’m nervous about/praying for: Nothing really.  I’m so content.

What I miss: My family now that they are gone. 😦

Next appointment: Friday, August 16 at 9:45 am.



BOB Stroller—check!

Well folks, we got a BOB stroller!  I have been going back and forth on what kind of jogging stroller I wanted to end up with.  Originally, when I was thinking of getting a Jeep jogging stroller.  After much research and comparison, the BOB wins.  In Colorado pretty much everyone has the BOB.  I don’t like that it’s a “thing” and everyone has one.  So I wanted to be different and skip getting a BOB.  Well, after doing a lot of hard thinking on it, I decided that I don’t care what people think of me!  The BOB stroller really is the best when it comes to joggers, so I really do need the best.  I am a runner and therefore I need a BOB.  I’m SO excited about this stroller!!  Part of my mother-in-law’s gift to us was contributing a certain dollar amount towards a jogging stroller.  So thanks, Dian!


As soon as we got it home I made Eric take a picture of me with the stroller.  Can you see my excitement?!?

Let’s talk about the BOB.  We got the BOB Revolution.  The Revolution model is a bit better than some of the jogger models because it has more features.  If we were getting a BOB, we were getting the right one.

Now, one of the first things I noticed about the BOB was how incredibly LIGHTWEIGHT it is!  I mean, seriously light!  Other strollers can feel heavy and clunky, but this stroller feels like you are pushing a feather.  Not only is it really lightweight, but it also GLIDES like a bird soaring in the wind.  It’s just effortless.  I am going to borrow my friend’s baby and take him out on a run in the BOB one of these days.  I just can’t wait to use it!!

Here are some of the stats (from Bobgear.com):

  • Swiveling front wheel allows for superior maneuverability.  Locks forward for increased stability when jogging or if the terrain turns tough.
  • Easy, two-step folding, lightweight frame for convenient transport and storage.
  • State-of-the-art, adjustable suspension system provides an exceptionally smooth ride.
  • Accessory Adapter allows for quick and easy attachment of BOB Infant Car Seat Adapter or Snack Tray.
  • Ultra-padded, adjustable reclining seat for enhanced seating comfort. Five-point padded harness helps keep your child comfortably secure.
  • Multi-position canopy adjusts for protection against the elements. Large viewing window lets you keep an eye on your baby.
  • High-impact polymer composite wheels with pneumatic tires and tubes take on tough terrain.
  • Low Boy Cargo Basket provides plenty of undercarriage storage. Additional space in large seatback pocket. Internal seat pockets provide a great place for snacks and toys.
  • A simple twist of the front wheel tracking adjustment knob keeps you rolling straight.
  • When engaged, the parking brake helps secure a stopped position.
  • Padded handlebar for comfort; wrist strap helps you secure stroller when strolling and provides handy fold lock when folded.





Uh oh, look who likes riding in the stoller?  Silly dog!  He will be doing the running outside of the stoller, but I wanted to use him as a test subject.


Surprise Baby Shower!


Last weekend I flew back to my home state of Indiana to help celebrate my brother and sister’s graduation from high school.  Little did I know that I had a surprise baby shower that my sisters and mom had been planning and scheming about for a while.  Our plan for Saturday afternoon was for all of us girls (Mom, and sisters Jill, Maggie, Melody and Christine) to meet up at Maggie’s house to then go shopping and eventually out to dinner.  My mom drove me and Christine to meet up with the other girls.  On the way there she said, “We need to stop at the church to pick up a pot roast container for the graduation open house tomorrow.”

So we pulled up to the church and my mom asked me and Christine to run in and grab this pot roast container.  (I thought—you are making the pregnant girl go in and get it?)  Christine led us to through the church and I peeked through a window and saw a baby shower going on.  I said, “Christine, we CAN’T go through there–there is a baby shower going on!!!”  It didn’t dawn on me that the baby shower was MY PARTY for a few more seconds.  “SURPRISE” yelled the guests….only then did I catch on!

What a great honor to be completely surprised by people that I care for and love.  There were about 20 people who came out and blessed us with generous gifts for our baby girl.  I feel so loved.

Here are some snapshots from the shower:


Me hesitantly walking through the door.  I really thought I was invading on someone else’s shower!


“Whoa, you guys got me good!”


Playing baby words scramble game.


The food table.  They even got a chocolate fountain!


My sister Melody (in purple) and friend Brittany (in blue).


Me with my sisters: Jill (black and white), Melody (purple), me, Christine (brown) and Maggie (36 weeks pregnant)!


Eric’s Grandma Helen, me, my mother-in-law Dian and Eric’s Aunt Denise.


My gorgeous momma and I.


More games…


Purple and teal….wonder where they got that idea?  How intune are they?!


Playing the “drink apple juice from a bottle” race….guess who won?  Yes, I won it!!  I smoked Mom and Brittany!


Opening gifts.  I got so many nice things.  What a blessing!  This specific gift was Purdue University onesies:)


My mom drinking juice from her bottle.


Pretty decorations.


My little sister Melody and I.


My big sis Maggie and I.  I’m 22 weeks and she is 36 weeks!


These baby cousins got to “meet” while still in the womb.


22 weeks at my baby shower.


22 weeks pregnant at my baby shower.

Grandma loves you

ImageMy mom sent me the sweetest card after she found out our baby is a girl.  The card is written not to me, but to our baby.  I started tearing up as I read through it.  This is my parent’s 10th grandchild and it will be my in-laws’ first grandchild.  This baby is already loved by so many people.  This card is just a nice reminder that our baby holds the hearts of other besides Eric and I.  My mom writes:

“She’s A Girl!

This is wonderful exciting news!!  A little precious Baby Lute.  You are a miracle, special made creation in your mother’s womb.  You are our 2nd grand daughter with 8 grandsons.  Yes you are special.  A first Lute grandbaby at that.  Being a “first born” you will have many responsibilities.  But that will come later.  Right now you are safe in your room and it is your job to grow & listen to your mother’s voice (dad’s too).  You have loving parents and a great God to get to know.  I love you and will be praying for you as I have been.

Love, Grandma”